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Whey Gold Standard 100%

Whey Gold Standard 100%

Regular price 35,000 CFA
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whey Gold Standard 100% Whey

Whey gold has a unique composition with a combination of whey isolate , concentrated whey and hydrolyzed whey. This mixture provides a complete and varied nutritional profile to your muscles. With each serving, your body benefits from a supply of:

  • 24g of a mixture of whey protein powder (whey)
  • 5.5g of branched chain amino acids (better known as BCAAs)
  • 4g of glutamine (the most abundant amino acid in muscles)

Contrary to what some people say, there is no good or bad whey protein . Each type has advantages and disadvantages. This is why the ON nutrition laboratories decided to combine the 3 within its Gold Standard 100% Whey.

The protein level is over 80% and the absorption speed is ultra-fast. In terms of macronutrients, we find less than 1.5g of carbohydrates and less than 1g of lipids per dose. Thanks to its nutritional profile, Gold Standard 100% Whey can be used both as part of mass gain or as part of a cutting phase. To make digestion easier, the brand has decided to add vegetable enzymes . By “destroying” the amino acid chains into smaller fractions, the latter maximizes the speed of absorption of this product.

Most popular formats: 2.27 kg and 4.5 kg

The protein mix for sports

Contrary to what you might think, proteins, like whey gold standard, are not only intended for bodybuilding practitioners. Practicing any sport will cause use of the muscles, which will need to rebuild themselves after each workout. Protein powder, a mixture of different types of whey proteins or simply isolate, helps to increase and maintain muscle mass. Choose Gold Standard 100% Chocolate Whey, the most popular flavor with our customers.

How to dose Gold Standard 100% Whey?

To optimally dose Gold Standard 100% Whey, it is important to know your protein needs over a day. Then, you just need to deduct from these needs all the intakes coming from your classic meals (therefore from the diet). The remaining figure corresponds to the quantity of whey protein that will need to be consumed during the day.

What it has more than other whey isolates

  • Blend of multiple protein sources
  • Rich in BCAA and glutamine
  • Wide choice of flavors and formats
  • Contains plant enzymes in its composition

Expert opinion on Gold Standard 100% Whey

Gold Standard 100% Whey is one of the most popular protein powders due to its quality and the reputation of the Optimum Nutrition brand. In fact, this protein has been around for more than 20 years now and its formula has often been reviewed and updated in order to offer the best in terms of quality. Due to its composition, it can be used all year round, both during periods of mass gain and during periods of diet because its carbohydrate and lipid content remains adapted to these objectives. Gold Standard 100% Whey is available in 450g, 908g, 2273g and 4540g formats depending on your consumption preferences. In addition, we find a multitude of flavors including "Cookies N Cream", "Double Rich Chocolate", "French Vanilla Cream", "White Chocolate" and "White Chocolate Raspberry" which are among the most appreciated by consumers.

Ingredients of Gold Standard 100% Whey

Gold Standard 100% Whey contains a blend of whey isolate, whey concentrate and hydrolyzed whey. Plant enzymes have also been added to facilitate the digestion of proteins and amino acids contained in the formula.

The differences between whey and Gold Standard 100% Whey

A classic whey does not necessarily contain whey isolate and hydrolyzed whey and may not have the same level of quality. Its protein level is greater than 80%, making it rich in protein for people wishing to meet their protein intake. Additionally, hydrolyzed whey is the most quickly absorbed form of protein making it ideal around training. Unlike classic whey, Gold Standard 100% Whey may have a lower carbohydrate and lipid content.

How to use Gold Standard 100% Whey?

Using Gold Standard 100% Whey is very simple. Simply mix one serving (corresponding to one full scoop) when you want to take a protein-enriched shake. The dose of liquid suggested by the brand is 240ml. You can adjust this quantity according to your preferences to obtain a more or less thick or liquid texture.

The capacity of the pod provided in the pot may vary from one taste to another. The exact capacity can be found on the label on the back of the product in the column corresponding to the values ​​for a dose.

When to use Gold Standard 100% Whey protein?

Gold Standard 100% Whey can be used as a snack and/or around training depending on your protein needs.

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